Saturday 10 March 2012

Getting Started

If there's one thing that the Central Australian Aviation Museum has going for it, it's that we have preserved a lot of history. Unfortunately, as it has been gathered over the years, it has been placed rather haphazardly throughout the hangars and museum. As we get started on cataloguing, sorting, labelling and accessioning all these items, we've been rather overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task...

As you can see, there are so many different items, and there are some real gems hiding in amongst all the other books, manuals, pamphlets, magazines, photographs, slides, film... the list goes on.

Sorting and cataloguing is going to be a long term project, but we're very fortunate to have so many volunteers on board... although, of course, there's always room for more! It's an exciting challenge, and a real journey of discovery... who knows what could be hiding in files left unsorted for so many years?

These pictures show you just one cupboard and one draw, of our many cupboards, shelves and filing cabinets! We're looking forward to finding and displaying the most exciting items, and to preserving, storing and protecting everything with historical value. Keep up to date by visiting us regularly - we will be posting the best finds online, so you can enjoy the process as much as we are.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Welcome to the Central Australian Aviation Museum

2012 looks set to be a fantastic one for the Central Australian Aviation Museum, with many changes in store. There are exciting new displays, including a reproduction bush shelter seating area, the addition of a museum shop, and several events planned for throughout the year.

This is also our first year with a web presence - and we're really excited to have all our information easily available, and keep people up-to-date with what is happening in our hangars. We'll keep you posted on upcoming events, new acquisitions, and any changes to our displays - but we'll also be regularly posting some of the fantastic stories, images, and memories that make this museum great.

The Central Australian Aviation Museum is a celebration of the spirit, effort, and courage of the people who founded avionics in the centre of Australia. Despite adverse conditions, harsh environments, and staggering distances, mail runs were set up, supplies were brought in, and connections were formed across a vast and unwelcoming desert. The stories of the people who persevered through all of this are well worth hearing, telling, and remembering - and that is what CAAM is about.

Our volunteers pour hours of time, effort and resources into helping keep this history available for future generations. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to explore our history with us, both online, and in the museum itself.